I really should be at the bank about now.

Slept terribly last night. After a quiet, relaxed weekend with Lorna, my brother threw my life into chaos by asking me to participate in a financial transaction of his. Obviously, no detail here, but it’s something I’m not sure I want to do, but which I probably ought to do. I’m meeting him for a drink and a chat about it tomorrow. It was enough to keep my brain buzzing way past my sensible sleepy time last night, though.

I really should be at the bank, paying in a cheque, right now. But it’s Oxford Street and it may be horrible…

Work is quiet. There’s an argument in progress in the art department, but I’m ignoring that. I’m alternating between writing a feature and trying to understand Microsoft’s Passport and MSN Messenger. Heigh ho.

Oh, bugger it, to the bank I go.