This is how a movement dies…
We’ve heard rumblings that MTV’s /quotes/zigman/393425/quotes/nls/via VIA -3.99% “Real World“ is scouting people between the ages of 20 and 24 for a series with an Occupy Wall Street theme.
In another sign that Occupy Wall Street is ripe for exploitation, there is actually a website called Hot Chicks of Occupy Wall Street .
Further, the Associated Press has noted that some in the movement are attempting to trademark the phrase “Occupy Wall Street.” Some of the leaders “filed an application Oct. 24 to trademark the name of their movement with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.” The source of the information was one of the group’s lawyers.
Hot Chicks of OWS is actually entertaining, in a very primitive, blokey way. But the rest just goes to show how hard it is to keep a movement political rather than commercial these days…
[via Kevin]