It is just possible that 1989 Adam was trying a bit too hard.

This was a useful read for me - and I suspect might help others:

How to engage with life when you feel down

Malta in early autumn 2000. While the clothes certainly date it, the complete absence of phones is quite remarkable. Just a film camera and a chunky video camera.

Tourists in Malta in autumn 2000.

More lockdown creativity: This is the most unusual version of Tubular Bells I’ve come across - but it all comes together in the end!

My daughter just uttered the phrase: “No. You are NOT selling my precious Shakespeare books!”

BRB - exploding with pride.

Clare Foges:

Politics can either be a parlour game of ideological point-scoring or it can be the business of meaningful change. To be the latter our politicians must avoid the temptations of descending deeper into the culture wars.

I am middle-aged enough that I really am very excited about my new compost bin. 🌱

Gaming through the eyes of privilege

20 years ago I was quite involved with the tabletop gaming world, and the fringes of the SFF world, as an author. Hit Amazon or Wikipedia and you can see the tracks of my time there.

For me it was a good escape and a creatively rewarding outlet in a tricky period of my life.

It’s becoming increasingly clear that for many others it was a community where they opened themselves to harassment and abuse just by their very presence. And that should never have been acceptable.

Many people, including a few I worked with, have been accused of harassment and assault. There was a wave a few years back. And now there’s been a second round of exposures.

The fact that it was such a positive place for me, and such a negative one for people less white, straight and male than me, is a pretty good example of exactly how privilege works.

Wow. Olympus is selling off its camera division.

I first got serious about photography with a Trip 35, and my first SLRs were all OMs. End of an era, although the business will continue under new owners.

Today’s Social & Digital lunchbreak digs deep on narcissism, toxic communities — and Nazi My Little Pony fans.


The Fate of the Mac?

Jason Snell: Thoughts on WWDC 2020 Day One:

The truth is probably that the future of the Mac is as a “pro” version of iOS and iPadOS. It’ll run more or less every app that’s available on the iPhone and iPad, but it’ll also run traditional Mac software. Over time, the distinction between iPad apps and Mac apps will begin to fade away entirely, and the Mac will just become a keyboard-and-trackpad mode of the iPad.

Phew. My MacBook Pro just scrapes into the Big Sur compatibility list.

This time next year I suspect I’ll be choosing between an Apple silicon replacement - or going all in on iPad Pro for mobile computing.

Well, having Adobe and Microsoft both on board already will make the ARM transition for Macs much, much smoother. And 3 times 4K streams in Final Cut Pro is exciting stuff.

MacOS Big Sur: love the new design, but feel like they’re just trolling us with the name now.

Automatic hand-washing detection and timing on Apple Watch! That’s as Covid-y as it gets.

Controversial opinion: I prefer this keynote format.

Dance workouts on Apple Watch. Oh, yes. 💃 ⌚️ (Watch-based cycling navigation seem vital in a Covid-world, too.)

I can barely read my own handwriting. Good luck to iPad OS in figuring it out.

So… if your phone runs out of battery, your car won’t start or open?