Cycling directions in iOS maps in iOS 14 🚴‍♂️ 🎉

They have a real aversion to static shots in this pre-recorded WWDC keynote, don’t they?

The new iOS 14 widgets just announced at WWDC are going to be amazing on iPad.

Wow. Empty Steve Jobs Theatre. Striking way to acknowledge the unusual times.

The Into the Wild bus has been Removed by the Alaska guard.

Probably a good thing, but the end of an era none-the-less.

The UK’s contact tracing app fiasco is a master class in mismanagement - and the piece highlights the two key things that went wrong.

Tech false economy

So, today I’m working on a brand new iMac - the first time I’ve bought a new Mac in over half a decade. And that last couple of years where I was eking out what I could from the old Mac Mini has been a false economy. My productivity has shot up.

I hadn’t realised how much time I spent waiting for apps to open, or hanging around waiting for them to process something.

It really was a false economy. I should have made this investment a couple of years ago, and I need to budget for doing so in future.

I’m actually more interested in how — visually — Apple chooses to do the WWDC keynote later on today, than what they actually announce.

Do they try to replicate the normal stage format? Or do they go a different direction?

What’s collective noun for a group of SUPpers?

When the Rampion Wind Farm was announced, I was worried about its impact on the feel of the beach.

A few years on, I’ve grown rather fond of it.

A kitesurfer surfing in front of the Rampion Wind Farm.

Kitesurfers on Shoreham Beach

Kitesurfers in the sea off Shoreham Beach, West Sussex

Well, I am deeply disheartened to read this about Warren Ellis.

Is it that we as a society rewards manipulative talented people with success? Our that the success we grant allows talented people to become like this?

This lockdown concert by Madness is a real balm to the soul. Nicely done.

Turns out it’s easier to say “world-beating” than actually deliver it.

Who knew?

(Everybody else.)

Has the meaning of the word “blog” changed?

Sadly, I think the answer is “yes”.

Blimey. Plurk. The microblogging service where I was [marginally more popular than @ianbetteridge](

This one was a big hit for me back in the day. I can still recall the frustration and anger I was feeling as I wrote it: Why media gets community wrong.

This is remarkable. A 12 year old blog post - and both the links in it are still live:

How To Be a Community Editor (in 2 posts or less)