Home schooling parents: a nature documentary on Disney+ is a perfectly valid natural history lesson, right? RIGHT?

Beach fun.

My daughters exploring on the beach.


Shoreham Beach.

Today’s Social & Digital Lunchbreak is out.

Let’s not talk about what happened to it last week. 😱 I was deep in the combined trenches of video and homeschooling…

We’re still weeks away from re-opening swimming pools in the UK.

We’re so lucky to live near the sea.

My talented sister-in-law talking about Hogarth’s The Madhouse at Sir John Soane’s Museum

Hit a million views on Unsplash.

An old schoolfriend of mine, Nichol Wheatley, has become an accomplished and talented artist. And yet, he remains a lovely bloke. ;)

With art shows on hiatus for obvious Covid-y reasons, he’s having a studio sale - and there’s some stunning stuff in there. Do check it out.

Sometimes, you only realise how unwell you’ve actually been when you start feeling better. Today, I feel roughly human again for the first time in a week. No idea what it was (other than it wasn’t Covid-19 - I was tested and the result was negative), but I’m glad it’s behind me.

Still COVID-free.

Current status:

Quite a sky this evening.

Clouds above the Sussex coast.

Better broadband please. kthxbai

Evening on the beach.

A few people enjoying Shoreham Beach in the evening.

After some thought, I put today’s social & digital lunchbreak outside the reg wall, because the lead story is important for everyone in online publishing.


(People who get it via email do get exclusive content, though…)


A mosaic of a fish.

Finally getting back to the beach.

It’s amazing the difference removing the feeling that the clock is ticking on your trip out makes.

Nice evening for a swim…

Sin and clouds above Shoreham Beach from the sea.