Oh, dear. Here’s a piece advising SEOs to use fact check markup for marketing purposes. This is why we can’t have nice things.

Or accurate things.

April in 32 seconds and 13 years

So. That was April. It lasted just over 13 years, I only drove the car three times, and those were the only times I left Shoreham Beach.

This was - and is - an historic period but for most of us - the lucky ones - our lives have been incredibly mundane despite that. Even with the anxiety and the homeschooling and the work and financial stress, the time with my wife and children has been a blessing.

The danger of valuing confidence over humility

This is a really key insight in Ed Young’s superb piece The Pandemic Doesn’t Have to Be This Confusing:

A lack of expertise becomes problematic when it’s combined with extreme overconfidence, and with society’s tendency to reward projected confidence over humility. “When scientists offer caveats instead of absolutes,” Gralinski says, “that uncertainty we’re trained to acknowledge makes it sound like no one knows what’s going on, and creates opportunities for people who present as skeptics.”

That’s about as socially distanced as it gets.

Two girls ealking on a blustery Shoreham Beach.

Lockdown skies.

Moody sunset last night.

Sunset over Shoreham-by-Sea

Lockdown reasons to be cheerful…

Some folks here on Shoreham Beach are being a lot more creative with lockdown than I’m managing…

Me pre-lockdown: Do we even need a printer at home any more?

Me in lockdown, and homeschooling: We need a better printer!

This fella dropped by while I was lounging in the garden.

Current view.

Our family lockdown exercise. I love these three so very much.

The Tinworth Family on Shoreham Beach.

Bluebells in the garden.

Bluebells in a Shoreham Beach back garden.

If you give your article a headline that starts “We need to talk about…” I will not read it.

I’ve got the perfect background for the next few Zoom meetings.

Very professional, I think.

When lockdown eases, which approach do you think companies will choose?

Allow more remote working? Up their office space to allow for social distancing? A mix of both?

Consequences, consequences: WarnerMedia Is Rethinking Theatrical Release Model

Huge TVs with good sound systems at home. Hard to socially distance in cinemas…

Evidence, I think, that my daughters are handling this lockdown more productively than me.

The worst of it?

I can’t even eat them. I’m milk intolerant.


Odd, odd 36 hours.

It turns out that I was in emotional denial about how much the world has and will change, even if I acknowledged it intellectually. Some bad news about a couple of bits of work triggered a small emotional collapse and a (largely) sleepless night.

But I’ve come out of it with a renewed focus on adapting myself to the new reality, and I’m feeling much better, thank you very much.

Now, let’s be honest: you didn’t need to know that, did you?

But I think it’s worth sharing it. What we’re going through? It’s tough. And let’s not be afraid to show each other when we’re struggling.

Rough day - two bad pieces of news about two different projects means things are looking financially pretty precarious for me.

Just about enough regular work to get by for now, but it looks increasingly like I’ll need the self-employment support scheme when it launches.

Ballet class via Facebook Live.