Hidden in the UK budget - the government will levy an additional 2% tax on social media companies, search engines and so on from the beginning of next month - on value created from UK users.

I worry that coffee shops (and elsewhere) now refusing to let customers use reusable cups because of Coronavirus concerns will kill the momentum built up over the last couple of years.

Once the COVID-19 crisis has passed, the climate crisis will still be there.

A London hairdresser marketing its way through Coronavirus.

A chalkboard alliding to covid-19 precautions and impacts.

Om Malik on how social networks lose our trust.. Thought-provoking.

Cleaning up negative scans in Photoshop on my iPad is quite soothing.

Rather concerning, if not surprising piece: Russia ‘hired network of Britons to go after enemies of Putin’.

Some very careful wording in there…

‪Britain is currently split between those buying every roll of toilet paper in sight, and those who are too embarrased to buy any toilet paper lest anyone think they are in the first group. ‬

Well, the course I was running today may have been cancelled (yes, Coronavirus-related), but the view early this morning on the way to the station was lovely…

Hard to disagree with this one: Quote of the Day

Well, the panic buying is clearly still happening. This is Waitrose in Worthing a few hours ago - toilet paper and paracetamol sold out.

Post-Nature Tots babychino from the Woods Mill café.

Morning in the woods.

Oh, fabulous. Coronavirus means we’re back to disposable coffee cups: Starbucks Will No Longer Fill Your Reusable Cup Because Of COVID-19

This is a rather concerning piece from over the pond: ‘It’s Going to End in Death’: Doctors Say U.K. Is Ill Prepared for Coronavirus

It’s fun looking back on my old “blogiversary" posts - like this one from 11 years ago, when my blog was 6.

Well, now. One Man & His Blog is 17 years old today.

That’s astonishing. It’s probably the most time I’ve committed to a single thing, bar the relationship with my wife (who was not yet my wife when the blog began…)

Oil consumption just fell off a cliff

After school beach club.

Beach mental health break.

Could the coronavirus be a globalisation inflection point?

Maybe. If we want it to be.