What the actual f***?: Well-heeled climate deniers are buying Youtube ads on major brands' videos

Sometimes, it almost feels like humanity deserves to burn.

I’m not a great one for making too much of New Year, but it is a great marker for doing some analysis. I’ve just been going through the analytics for the digital futures site I write for, and the posts that caught people’s imagination are fascinating.

Some clear trends emerge.

Brighton, from Shoreham Beach.

Brighton, as seen from Shoreham Beach.

Quite a day, down on the beach…

<img src=“https://cdn.uploads.micro.blog/772/2020/e63078dc2f.jpg" width=“600” height=“400” alt=“Waves on Shoreham Beach with the white cliffs of Sussex in the background />

My old employer — RBI — has all but completed its exit from journalism. Its answer to the problem of making online journalism pay?

Get out of the business completely.

Guess how this ended…

The house in the woods.

A house in the woods on the Tyntsfield estate

Oh, Lord. I just tried to swipe to scroll a print magazine. 🤦🏼‍♂️

I’m pleased with this for 49p.

What’s the best thing you’ve read online this week?

Vimeo appears to have a new social video creation tool in beta: vimeo.com/create

Just occasionally, bad things happen to bad people in an amusing enough manner to give you faith in the goodness of the universe: British Nazi set self on fire trying to burn down synagogue

Newsletters are a particularly brutal medium. You put in the work, craft something you are proud of - and often the first feedback you get is someone unsubscribing. Nothing wrong with them doing that, of course, but it’s almost perfect for shaking your confidence…

I’m trying something new - triggered because I couldn’t get this stuff in my usual links digest if it was going to work in an email. But I think actually capturing and curating investing stuff from social media is worthwhile:

The Social Diary: reads from the feeds