Shoreham Beach, 8.55am

Shoreham Beach at 8.55am

Lo! There comes a Toast Cat!

So, I thought I had the whole 20 seconds hand washing things sorted. And then the Apple Watch update with hand washing tracking hit. A month later, I finally have 20 seconds of Apple-approved hand washing cracked. šŸ„³šŸ‘šŸ»

Beach silhouettes.

Shoreham Beach, UK / 2020-10-14 / 8.49am

Walking home around the quay after dropping my children at school. I’ve lived here for 10 years, but Iā€™ve never stopped feeling like I’m on holiday the whole time because I’m by the sea. I hope that never changes.

A Day In The Life

Apple ProRaw actually looks quite interesting. Be interested to see how quickly the major editing apps support it, though.

Lisa on the roof, talking environmental stuff amongst the solar panels is cool.

Iā€™d be more excited by 5G coming to the iPhone if I thought Iā€™d be going anywhere in the next six months


ā€œSomething only Apple can doā€ is going to get really annoying really fast.

On the sofa for the Apple announcements, and my daughters have joined meā€¦

Shaping up to be a nice Autumn day down by the river.

The River Adur from Emerald Quay

Morning beach walk.

Shoreham Beach looking towards the sea.

Just rewatched Frozen 2 with my daughters.

Anna is clearly the most thirsty of Disney heroines.


Uggh. One of those days where I’ve been working solidly since 9am, bar 10 minutes in the garden, it’s now time to go collect my daughters, and I donā€™t have nearly enough done.

Well, you can tell I just topped up the suet ball feeder, because it sounds like there’s an avian riot in progress in my back garden. šŸ¦

I just betrayed my principles and did a rant as a Twitter thread not a blog post.

I shall say 3 ā€œHail Sir Timā€s, and recommit to the open web.

This is going to scare people unnecessarily: Covid virus ā€˜survives for 28 daysā€™ in lab conditions ā€“ the ā€˜lab conditionsā€™ in question include in the dark, because UV destroys the virus. As found in, say, sunlight.

Aerosol spread seems to be the biggest danger by a county mile.

I love our beach.

Shoreham Beach in West Sussex on a Sunday morning.

Incredible light streaming into the house this evening.

Evening light streaming into our living room.

Current status:

Chilling in the garden with a coffee.