Really not used to singing “God save the King” yet.

Youth organisations and veterans together on Southwick Green, marking Remembrance Sunday.

The Rememberance Sunday service on Southwick Green.

Well, dealing with the flat tyre put pay to our planned afternoon out. But, given how tired the girls were, I have a suspicion it was for the best.

Oh, great. Screw in the tyre.

A screw embedded in the car tyre.

Matt Birchler:

“I heard someone recently describe Twitter as a social network where the users hate the service and they hate each other. That’s unflattering, but I think it’s also completely accurate.”

The evening light was putting in a wonderful display earlier.

Evening light by the banks of the Adur.

Right, I’m now using my own Mastodon instance for work-style stuff. Anyone interested in journalism, audience and the creator economy can follow me there.

Finally solved the email problem, and my personal Mastodon instance is working. A few more tweaks, and then I’ll open it up to newsletter subscribers.

I just discovered that the minister from my childhood home carried on working well into his 80s.

There’s something quite moving about being that committed to a calling.

We’re not even half way through November, and I’ve seen my first Christmas tree. 🎄

A christmas tree on the stret near Farringdon.

There’s a certain joy to early starts in the autumn, and this morning’s early trip to the station was spectacular.

A ranbow over houses near Hassocks station.


So, I just set up a Mastodon Instance.


Amazing news for non-iOS mobile journalists and filmmakers - Lumafusion is now on Android and Chromebooks.

The consensus is that it’s the best mobile video editor.

I’m just an ordinary guy, looking at the weather, and asking it to stop pissing it down before I have to go and collect my daughters from school.

Well, I think we all now have more insight into how hard it is to run a social network well…

Well, I’d completely forgotten just how much noise the echo of 30-odd primary school children and a bouncy castle can make in an otherwise empty sports hall.


I’m having an idiot evening. I was just about to build a special page for Microblogvember and then I remember it’s much easier to just do a category. D’oh.

Here it is.

It is very odd and sad to see the life and death of a young journalist you used to chat with at journalism events in London, become the centre of such a story — and now a documentary. But Lyra certainly deserved the attention. I wish the price of it hadn’t been her death.

Gah. Great website. No RSS. No newsletter. Protected Twitter account. How am I meant to know when you write something new?

Sadly, a birthday weekend doesn’t make me exempt from the business of being Daddy taxi for most of it: Brownies, swimming lessons (x2), Sea Lights and (joy of joys) a children’s bouncy castle party.

I will need ALL THE COFFEE. ☕️