That’s it. Time to quit Outlook and call it a day.

I’m just not looking forward to a hot train ride home…

Every year, while I’m supervising journalism MA students' final projects, I miss being a commissioning editor. I love the feeling of working with talented journalists to make their copy better.

Recreation is valuable in proportion to the intensity of its experiences, and to the degree to which it differs from and contrasts with workaday life.

A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold 📚

Winning at Wordle…

Wordle stats showing a streak of 175.

Found a nice coffee shop to while away the hours while my daughters are on a Guides and Brownies cinema trip: The Laughing Dog.

The Worthing Laughing DogTables and goods for sale at Laughing Dog, Worthing. Comfy cushions.

Perception, in short, cannot be purchased with either learned degrees or dollars; it grows at home as well as abroad, and he who has a little may use it to as good advantage as he who has much. As a search for perception, the recreational stampede is footless and unnecessary.

A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold 📚

Broadly speaking, a piece of scenery snapped by a dozen tourist cameras daily is not physically impaired thereby, nor does any other resource suffer when the rate increases to a hundred. The camera industry is one of the few innocuous parasites on wild nature.

A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold 📚

Beauty right by the front door.

Margarita roses in bloom

David Allen Green’s examination of Boris Johnson’s actions is excoriating:

“All these advantages meant that the process was heavily biased: but heavily biased in Johnson’s favour.}

“And somehow, Johnson still lost.”

When Zuck says that the Apple Vision Pro isn’t the vision of the future of computing he wants, all I can think about is this photo:

The Zuck Borg.

This might be interesting to the mobile journalism types: a shotgun mic with built-in wireless.

What Apple Vision Pro means for journalism… 😇

I bought the first iPod, iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch.

There goes that streak.

That’s the sort of keynote I like from Apple. Lots of new features for devices I already own, no temptation to spend any money. 👍

Ah, crap. I just got it.

The two big “secret” Apple projects: the headset and the car.

They’re basically the same project: spatial computing.

Low latency real time computing integrated into the physical world. Their spacial computing tech is the real story here.

If I was on the Meta Quest team, I would not be looking forward to the next team meeting with Zuck.

Ok. Apple Vision Pro looks really interesting. AR first, not VR.

But I still can’t see myself buying one.

Dragonflies at Woods Mill.

Two dragonflies in the Sussex woods.

It may be a common cardinal beetle, but it’s uncommonly beautiful.

A common cardinal beetle on a leaf.

Beach flower.

A flower in the shingle on Shoreham Beach.