The UK's First Log Built House?
Another one from the "press releases for my old job, but I'm still interested" file:

Uh, no. It's Norfolk.
Mike Balls of the Log House Company is building log houses in the UK, and this one is going up for a Norfolk family. The timber's locally sourced and it is, they claim, the UK's first log-built house.
I've not idea if you could get a mortgage on it, or what it would be like to live in, but my, it looks lovely, doesn't it?
Burj Dubai - as tall as it gets?
Part of the reason behind starting this (shamefully neglected) blog was to write about stuff I no longer feel comfortable babbling about on One Man & His Blog. Architecture is one of those topics.
I may no longer be a property journalist, but property-related e-mails still drop into my in-box with startling regularity. This one caught my attention, both for the images and the claim that it will be the tallest building in the world. Yes, Burj Dubai will rise to 512.1 metres (1,680 feet) and 141 storeys, beating Taipei 101 in Taiwan. The building is under construction right now by Emaar Properties PJSC, to be completed next year.