Standing on the beach… #latergram

Oh, sweet bliss of in-flight charging. 😊

Up, up and away…

Lunchtime treat now my toddler is sleeping…

Self quantification ahead… #jawboneup

The #beach in bloom…

Morning #beachlife

Wrong on so many levels. #marmite

Stormy Adur


Back in #berlin

Resolved: time to move my blog

For the third time this year, I’m unable to access my blog because of a problem with my web host.

Time’s up. I’ve blocked out a section on time in my diary for next week to finally move One Man & His Blog to a different web host. After that, I’ll look at the WordPress migration.

And I’m publishing this here, because I can’t get to OM&HB to publish it there…

Finally got a decent coffee in NYC

Hazel’s getting the hang of this coffee grinding malarkey…

Stormy weather…

Hazel’s breakfast (first course) #fruit #food #breakfast

Sunrise over the Adur - #sunrise #river

Yum. #burger #newyork #fries #latergram

Afternoon coffee at @trufflesbakeryltd at Shoreham Airport