Interesting stuff about disruption at #sd12

Danger: liveblogger at work #sd12

When did the bed get so big, Daddy?

At a fantastic #LikeMinds discussion about the connected culture and its consequences…

Never noticed this gate before


Daybreak over commuters…

Ready for adventure (take 2)

Sunday afternoon smiles.

New things…

I suspect the post-lunch audience may be “relaxed” for @cpev’s #bdmf12 session

Preparing for worship at the church of marketing #bdmf12

Token lunch-on-Twitter tweet

Looks like baby Hazel gets something from #bdmf schwag bag…

The tower has fallen. Flee! Flee for your lives!

Ugh. Man gather #wood

Eggs - stir - men -ate #dalek #doctorwho #bmmf

Piling the footbridge

No photos, daddy!