Look, I know the world doesn’t need more “how to work from home" pieces. But I wrote mine anyway, because, unlike most people who have been writing them, I’ve actually being doing it for eight years…
And I mean it about the clothes and plants.
Why Coronavirus social distancing is negatively impacting social media content moderation.
Facebook’s moderation problems last night - what you need to know.
Twitter’s role in a time of global pandemic,
How do you cope with losing half your income in a matter of weeks?
I’m struggling tonight, as I read about the people who are looking at this period of social distancing and self-isolation as a special, cocooning time. I know that they are seeing it as a rare chance to invest time in themselves and their family as an antidote to the fear and uncertainty around us all. I do get that. But I’m jealous.
Those of us who earn our living in face-to-face situations — training in my case — just don’t have the luxury of doing that. For me, it looks like it will be the period where half my income disappears - possibly for over a year. I have good friends whose income is dependent on the events industry in the same boat.
I don’t have the luxury of viewing this as special cocooning time. This will be have to be the period where I have to make memberships work on One Man & His Blog, or manage to sell my training as online courses instead, or get more consultancy work, or something…
In a matter of weeks I’ve gone from a financially comfortable situation to a perilous one. That’s not a time for cocooning. I love my family. And I need to keep them clothed and fed.
Video from my wife of Victoria Station this morning at around 10am. She estimates it was 80% quieter than normal…
Pleased with this one. The print is long gone - it was in display in a photo cube and was bleached out years ago. The negative was loose in my parents' junk drawer for decades, and was badly scratched up.
One scan, an hour’s work on retouching, and this is the result:

So. After supper Iris gets down, grumbling a bit. And then sits in the corner assiduously writing.
This is what she hands to me.
“I have just eetn (eaten) the yoyos and I am still hungree”.
4 years old and issuing her first letter of complaint.
I am so proud.

Trying to amplify signal, not noise.
Well, the course I was running today may have been cancelled (yes, Coronavirus-related), but the view early this morning on the way to the station was lovely…
Well, the panic buying is clearly still happening. This is Waitrose in Worthing a few hours ago - toilet paper and paracetamol sold out.