Ghost 3.0 has just launched - and it’s got built in tools for building a membership site for news.
This makes subscription businesses way more accessible to set up and run.
I apologise to the affront to your ears, but I’m on a podcast: [Micro Monday - 70: Adam Tinworth aka @adders](
Thanks @macgenie!
Well, now, what say you people of Scott asked:
Although, does anyone use feed readers anymore?!?!
Crikey. I wrote this 11 years ago - and it’s still as relevant now: “Interesting” is the basis of blogging
Not only is 8chan struggling to get back online — its co-founder is actively working to keep it that way.
Either this gentleman doesn’t understand One Man & His Blog’s audience - or I don’t…

Take some time to listen to Birdsong Radio today - and consider how much poorer we’ll all be if we lose it. #LetNatureSing
Yahoo Groups is shutting down.
Wow. The history of a lot of great early online communities is about to be erased from the web.
This was a fantastic session by Eliza Filby from NEXT conference last month, looking at the characteristics of the generations, and how we should raise Generation Alpha.

Not something I’d considered before - but accurate: The Delicate Nature of Comparing Smartphone Cameras and a Dash of False Equivalence
Why blogging still matters, even after 25 years::
“The furore over social media and its impact on democracy has obscured the fact that the blogosphere not only continues to exist, but also to fulfil many of the functions of a functioning public sphere. And it’s massive.”
Woods Mill this morning. Although autumn was clearly in the air, you wouldn’t know it from this photo.