Got up at stupid o’clock this morning to catch a train and attend the launch of the Reuters Institute Digital News Report this morning. It was worth it.
Here are my liveblogged notes from the event.
Great Micro Monday @hollyhoneychurch and @macgenie (catching up on a commute). Thanks. Thinking a lot about the time period challenges.
Just preparing my notes from this morning’s Digital News Report 2019 launch event for publication - how refreshing to have an all-female panel at a journalism event:

Nice to be heading up London late enough to drop a bag off at the charity shop and get a coffee from Tom Foolery.

MailOnline’s traffic absolutely brutalised by Google algorithm update.
Let the jokes commence.
So, um, the answer to “Fake News" might have been available the whole time… in Finland?
Further evidence that I’m turning into a grumpy old man of the interwebs: Writing about the internet is no excuse for not doing your research
Working on a Friday, unusually, due to a day swap with my wife. Throughly dreich out there today, so working seems better…

Here’s what excited me about the WWDC keynote today. The iPad Pro lifestyle just got more feasible.
This starts off as road crash viewing of a middle-aged meme warrior - but actually goes somewhere interesting.
Ugh. @danielpunkass can’t get his patch into WordPress. Open Source in theory rather than practice?