Right. This is a good as my liveblogged notes from Hacks/Hackers London this evening at Twitter UK are getting. I’ll give them a good sub in the morning.
How we Dooced blogging — and its community
This Vox profile of Heather Armstrong — Dooce — is a deeply melancholy read:
In the time that Armstrong had been absent from her site, bloggers had been almost wholly replaced with social media stars who relied on Instagram to gain a following. The word “influencer” had taken over, and quickly. Bloggers had risen to fame thanks to deeply personal posts; Instagram personalities operated in a much more visual medium, relying on photos of cute kids and beautiful homes for likes.
It’s both affecting in its coverage of her mental health issues, but also in how clear it makes it that we lost something profound in the shift from blogger to influencer.
Lots to think on.
This is a sobering read by James Kirkup: The truth about David Cameron and the ‘mad, swivel-eyed loons’
“Under Cameron and the person who called at our table, Conservative membership numbers more than halved, handing ever more power to a smaller group of people whose interests and priorities are extremely hard to reconcile with those of the country as a whole.”
Shoreham Beach, two years ago.
Politics warning: right-wing comics activists are abusing Twitter’s policies on transphobia to silence their critics.
This behaviour pattern will spread quickly, as it exploits the automated nature of much social media blocking.
Finally got around to adding another of my key services to my site: Live Event Capture - where I create rapid posts from event content, working in conjunction with the skilled editorial cartoonists at Drawnalism.
My notes from the RSA event Schools Without Walls might be of interest to the education-minded amongst you.
Loving nature is a political act

It seems impossible to me to be, now, passionate about nature and not be also both political and ethical about nature. We no longer have the luxury of ‘pure’ pleasure in place, enticing though that is.
Robert Macfarlane in the March issue of Country Walking magazine.