I have a Brydge keyboard for my trusty old 9.7 inch iPad Pro and I suddenly have my perfect on-the-go device.

Some useful thoughts on the appeal of newsletters — and the appropriate tone for writing them.
Why blogs still matter even in the resurgent newsletter age.
(h/t @cdevroe for the original link)
Lessons from 1000 editions of a links newsletter.
It’s all about the basics.
The rest of the “information wants to be free” quote (because I’m annoyed at how often people quote it in a way that makes it clear that they don’t know there’s more to it…)
Lessons from two months of #2minutebeachclean
For the last couple of months, my daughters and I have been doing a #2minutebeachclean pretty much every Sunday - concentrating on the same small patch of the beach.
While it’s been delightful spending the time by the sea, playing with the girls, and watching them become more aware of their environment, the sheer volume of plastics we’re pulling out of that small patch of the beach is depressing.
It’s been a case of not really realising the depth of a problem until you stare it in the face — and it’s making me think about all the purchasing decisions I make, but also what else we can do as a family to help turn this around.
What have we done?

Still can’t quite believe that I turned down the chance to work on this beauty - but it was the right decision at that time of my life.
An article designed for @ismh… The joy of collecting old tech
Wow, Blogger really is being neglected isn’t it? The last substantive update I can find is from nearly a year ago - and it’s mainly about removing features. Even Movable Type has had a major new version since then.