Me, during today's Apple event
Me during the first half of the Apple event:

Me during the second half of the Apple event:

Noting in recent times has made me as old as realising that The Guardian pioneered live-blogging 19 years ago.
Vogue says “bonjour” to Hong Kong and “au revoir" to Snapchat.
Y’know, if Twitter really does pull Likes from its platform, it really validates one of the design decisions @manton made for
It seems clear that Zuckerberg has a more total control over Facebook than, say, Jobs ever did over Apple: Facebook’s Flawed DNA Makes It Unable to Fight Misinformation

Case in point: my two most used blog platforms - ghost and - are both new(ish) and have very different ideas of what publishing could look like. Innovation in publishing tech should be interesting to those interested in publishing.
A non-obituary for blogging
The “blogging is dead” meme that seems to have settled into the consciousness of swathes of media is both patently wrong - glance at fashion or travel for a moment - but also rather dangerous for them. Just because the technology is no longer the newest thing, doesn’t mean it’s irrelevant. Much like printing presses, really.
Revisiting Next Conference, aurally. 🎧 Oh, to be in a Hamburg coffee shop now!

The Final Days of Johnston Press - and the parlous state of local journalism in the UK.
Blogging is dead…
…unless you’re in fashion, where you’re influential enough to appear in marketing emails.

How people silence each other on social networks - some useful research.