Government needs to break the tech roach motels.
Data portability FTW.
Firing up Final Cut Pro, and seeing if my aging Mac can actually handle some 4k with decent proxy media settings.

This is interesting - despite some of the recent backlash, podcasts are still big enough business that the iTunes rankings are worth manipulating: Chartbreakers: How spammers are gaming the podcast
Barbados, late 2011
I’ve just been pottering around editing some old photos, from our last pre-children holiday. Two days after I got back, my life changed forever in two ways: we agreed to buy a house, and I realised that my time at my old employer was up. I was figuring out what to do next, and so these photos have never had the attention they deserve.
I’m enjoying coming back to them with seven years' distance.

I used to shoot a lot more landscapes back then…
The two basics of digital #journalism that too many people forget: Attention and Atomisation