A basket full of soft toys

How Facebook distorted human interactions on the altar of engagement.

Really enjoyed editing and prepping for publication a guest post for the Next Conference blog. However, it did remind me yet again how often we ignored warnings in the past about the way we implemented digital technology.

Sunday afternoon crafting.

#huji #selfie

Once upon a time, I was generally excellent.

Not getting on the wrong side of Iris if I can help it…

Gotta say - I’m proud of my wee girl.

The time has come…

Bluetooth keyboard for an iPhone? Sure!

Happy post-holiday reading.

Interesting - Slack has shifted their blog off Medium to WordPress. Now at: slackhq.com

You have to wonder if anyone at Facebook has ever heard the phrase “when in a hole, stop digging”.

The worst typo when you meant “general"

I’ve been largely absent from Twitter for months. I’ve been giving a little thought as to why: Twitter’s “them and us" problem

It’s getting to the point when I find a corporate or organisation “blog” that actually has an RSS feed, I’m surprised. We’ve fallen a long way on direct engagement tech.

Sunday morning is coffee time!

Hazel’s getting really good now.

New belt for Iris.