Tactical approached to combatting misinformation only get us so far - and people are dying now. Time to start thinking about this strategically at a cultural level.
A place in the shade, an espresso, an iPad and my daughter’s Rainbows troop in the distance. Good living. 👌🏻

Busy pulling together my curated reads newsletter for the first time in over three months (!). If you want it hot and fresh in your in-box, you can sign up here.
These are my notes from a talk by Sir Tim Berners-Lee at LeWeb back in 2014. He was starting to say things we weren’t ready to hear back then…
The creator of the World Wide Web is fighting to reclaim it from the Duopoly - if you don’t care about re-decentralising the web, you don’t understand how important it is to all of us.
Now my account is all fixed, I’m really enjoying again. Thanks, @manton.
This looks like a good hire - hopefully Apple’s streaming video offering won’t be US-centric by a year or two in: Apple hires BBC Films veteran for its international development team
One micro-blog account, twice. A seemingly irresolvable issue.
I’m a bit at a loss as to what to do with my account here. Due to some weirdness, I’m paying for it twice, once as a blog only account, once as a blog+podcast account.
It’s more than just the cash, though, it’s also the fact that I essentially have two accounts under the same name, each building up their own (separate but overlapping) sets of content.
My tickets to support are going unanswered.
I enjoy, but not so much that I’m happy to pay twice for one service, which is what’s happening now. And meanwhile, every time I post, I don’t know which content bucket it’s going to end up in. So the pain of untangling the situation gets worse - and that makes me really reluctant to post.
I suspect my only solution now is to backup both accounts, nuke one of them, and try to figure out which one went, and import that one’s back up.
Wish me luck.
If you ever hear from me again.

How this for slow blogging? I just published a post I wrote in 2008. Going online: be brave
Facebook to small publishers: no Instant Articles for you.
That felt good. I did something that I thought other people might find interesting - and blogged about it straight well. As I used to teach: “Connect the ‘that’s interesting' observation with posting as soon as you can”. I should listen to myself more.