A reminder that Amazon often isn’t nearly as cheap as other options. (And a gentle plug for what looks like a great book.)
A long and unusually personal blogpost, which explains why I’ve been absent here, amongst other things.
Bitcoin is a massive environmental threat - really
Astonishing. Bitcoin may be undoing decades of progress on renewable energy:
By late next year, bitcoin could be consuming more electricity than all the world’s solar panels currently produce — about 1.8 percent of global electricity, according to a simple extrapolation of the study’s predictions. That would effectively erase decades of progress on renewable energy.

Alas, Livejournal. Even George RR Martin has quit you now.
Reading this post by a former colleague makes me realise that I’ve really lost the skill of personal blogging over the last decade.
I have to confess, I paid basically zero attention to the royal wedding in the build up to it. But seeing the royals give a hearty two fingers to the racists we’ve seen rise post-Brexit?

Pitch of the day:
I am writing because I would like to write an article reviewing the best fleshlights on the market and then discuss whether they are worth it. I feel the readers of may find this of interest.
So, it turns out that Storyful journalists could see which videos their newsroom clients were watching… Not the social media verification company’s smartest move.
One of those days when I thought I’d knocked it out of the park with a post — and everyone goes “meh”. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Facebook’s approach to news is getting ever more elitist - and controlling.
The man who coined the term blog has been blogging for 20 years.
Five years of blog platform Ghost - a podcast
The Stories format matters - because it tells us something about what the smartphone is doing to media.
Got a new look for those people who subscribe to my blog by e-mail.