Getting Sunlit…
<a href=“"><img src=“" width=“326” height=“311” style=“display: inline-block; max-height: 200px; width: auto; padding: 1px;” class=“sunlit_image” /></a><a href=“"><img src=“" width=“600” height=“539” style=“display: inline-block; max-height: 200px; width: auto; padding: 1px;” class=“sunlit_image” /></a>
Understanding the meme - because there’s more to this than just funny captions.
Understanding the meme - because there’s more to this than just funny captions.
Not sure why I’m bothering writing on my blog today, when basically my entire audience is either at news:rewired or The Guardian’s Changing Media Summit.
Seven years ago publishers were dying because they trusted Google for all their traffic. Now the same is happening with Facebook.
Another warning about the ease with which moral certainty can lead to us to slip into stereotyping in our reporting.
Listening to a 2003 playlist on Apple Music. This was the music of the year I started my blog.
God, I feel old.
My blog is 15 years old today.
I’m not sure if that’s an achievement, or just sheer bloody-mindedness at work…
Are GAFA coming for the news business?
I hope not - but then, who would have seen them getting into TV?
A post-mortem on, a crowdfunded blogging platform that never really built up any momentum.
I’ve transferred this old Typed post over to OM&HB, for archival reasons, really. There are some screenshots in there of the soon-to-die platform.
Just downloaded the content I had on Typed, a blog platform that dies today. I backed it as a crowdfunder, and don’t regret it. We need innovation in blogging, but some of those innovations are going to fail.
Still sad I never got the t-shirt though. 😉
Just snow dusted here this morning.
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