Tree time 🌲

Tree time 🌲

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Just Ridin’

Deep in the downs, there is a farm…

Sweets from an elf!

Hazel is rocking a hipster vibe here…

It’s beginning to look at lot like Christmas.

Today’s office view

Today’s office view

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Stunning morning, despite the sub-zero temperatures.

Looking home

As sunsets go, that’ll do.

It only took three attempts to get the headline typo free on this.

Bring back the subs.

Disturbing but not surprising news of the day. That LinkedIn connection request could be a Chinese intelligence agent.

Not a bad sunset, all things considered.

I fear Iris may have inherited the mad scientist gene from her mother…

Christingle night: children and fire, always a popular combo… 🔥

More evidence that Christmas is coming.

I think Iris is enjoying the season…