Thesis: coffee never tastes better then when drunk from an enamel mug, poured from a flask, while outdoors. ☕️

Just did the emergency security update on my Mastodon instance (to v4.1.3), and still have most of this cup of coffee left.

That was much easier than I was expecting.

Sadly, a birthday weekend doesn’t make me exempt from the business of being Daddy taxi for most of it: Brownies, swimming lessons (x2), Sea Lights and (joy of joys) a children’s bouncy castle party.

I will need ALL THE COFFEE. ☕️

Updating a self-hosted Ghost site from my iPad. With good coffee, of course. 🤓 ☕️

Usjng ssh to update a Ghost site from my iPad.

The person sitting in front of me on the train has a coffee that smells so good it’s almost torture. ☕️

Having a coffee in Tom Foolery with my daughters. It almost feels like the old days again. ☕️

If you love coffee, this is an essential read on coffee prices - and the threat to producers it poses: Coffee Transaction Guide ☕️

Treating myself to a nice aeropress coffee after my wet and windy walk. ☕️

Drinking today: Edgecumbe’s AA Kisii Peaberry ☕️

Study: Dark-roast coffee protects human DNA from damage:

This led the scientists to believe that regular consumption of a dark-roast coffee has “a beneficial protective effect on human DNA integrity in both men and women.”


End of a long day. Tom Foolery pit stop on the way home. ☕️

☕️ time!

Nice to be home and enjoying ☕️ at

The creeping Starbuckifiction of Sussex

[caption id=“attachment_6496” align=“aligncenter” width=“922”]The new Starbucks in worthing town centre The new Starbucks in worthing town centre[/caption]

This part of Sussex has long been a bit of a Starbucks dead zone. You had to either head along the coast to Brighton, or up to the out-of-town-ish Holmbush Centre for the Starbucks in the Next branch up there.

Well, the creeping Starbuckification of every high street continues, as Starbucks has now arrived in Worthing town centre. It was approved late last year, and opened last week:…

Morning coffee

Enjoying a Tom Foolery coffee while catching up on e-mail and feeds on this beautiful morning…

Berlin breakfast

Demoted by Starbucks

[caption id=“attachment_3281” align=“aligncenter” width=“637”]Starbucks e-mail demoting me from Gold to Green From Gold to Green…[/caption]

Ah, the shame, the shame. Starbucks have demoted  me. No more free extra shots for me.

The good news? I managed to go to Starbucks less than once a week last year. With some real effort, I’m sure I can beat that record - and go even less…

Pod coffee's bad taste for the planet

The pod problem:

But what bugs me most about pods isn't the marketing. It's the needless waste. Those 186m capsules used in Britain last year all had to go somewhere. So far, most aren't going in the recycling. Dolce Gusto mixed-plastic capsules "cannot currently be recycled in the UK", though a spokesperson says Nestle is "exploring a number of possible solutions." Tassimo T-Discs are "fully recyclable with Terracycle," though so far there are only 40 UK recycling points.

Convenience comes with a price in both taste and the environment…

The Coffee Chair

My dream chair. Oh, yes. People of the interwebs, please arrange for one of these to come into my possession.

Your co-operation is appreciated.  

The Coffee Chair
Mmm. Coffee.

Lady in coffee dress on coffee chair.
Almost exactly how I won't look sat in it.
