Scilly sands
[caption id=“attachment_7965” align=“alignnone” width=“2200”] A beach at Hugh Town[/caption]
Honestly, sometimes I just don’t understand why I haven’t been back.
Morning coffee
Enjoying a Tom Foolery coffee while catching up on e-mail and feeds on this beautiful morning…
Beach Blooms
The beginning of summer beings blooms into life on Shoreham Beach’s shingle beach habitat.
Taking the iOS WordPress app for a spin
This is basically just a quick test to see if I can make the fancy photo display on my theme work from the WordPress iOS app.
Spring: sprung
Today, the sun was shining, the trees were opening, and children (including my daughter) were playing in the park.
Spring is - finally - here.
When I'm stressed…
Whenever I get stressed about finding work, about the fact that I’m going to be a father soon, about the huge changes that are sweeping over my life, I remember that I live here, that I’ve been married to a woman that I love for 9 years and that I have some fantastic, helpful and talented friends.
And suddenly I can’t find much to be stressed about…
The many people within Emmy Rossum

If there’s one thing that make me fall in love with a FashMag photoshoot, it’s when they take one person, and create many people from them. There’s no single image, but a range of looks, or moods that show you different sides of a person’s personality. This shoot of Emmy Rossum, found via Forever a Fan Girl, is just a perfect example of that. The look above is sexy, yet with an edge of sophistication, and demureness. (Is that a word? It should be.)
This look, though?

Despite the white dress, and all the connotations that brings, this is a sexy image, almost to the point of raunchiness. It’s a lovely shoot from Zooey Magazine.
The video’s a fun watch, too. It’s exactly what a behind-the-scenes video should be: