Not what it looks like

A willow bird sculpture at Pulborough Brooks in Suffolk.

Scilly sands

[caption id=“attachment_7965” align=“alignnone” width=“2200”]A beach at Hugh Town A beach at Hugh Town[/caption]

Honestly, sometimes I just don’t understand why I haven’t been back.

Do you like my hat? 

[caption width=“2576” id=“attachment_6626” align=“aligncenter”]Adam Tinworth wearing his daughter's hat. A gentleman can be judged by his headwear. [/caption]

That's a new approach to flower arranging…

[caption width=“4032” id=“attachment_6624” align=“aligncenter”]Iris decorating the bird bath Iris and the bird bath[/caption]



A working breakfast at Tom Foolery.

Life in plastic, it's fantastic 

Morning in the Cotswolds

Morning coffee

Enjoying a Tom Foolery coffee while catching up on e-mail and feeds on this beautiful morning…

Missing you, Dad.

Still missing you Dad, over a decade since you passed.

Beach Blooms

The beginning of summer beings blooms into life on Shoreham Beach’s shingle beach habitat.

Berlin breakfast

Taking the iOS WordPress app for a spin

This is basically just a quick test to see if I can make the fancy photo display on my theme work from the WordPress iOS app.

Spring: sprung

Today, the sun was shining, the trees were opening, and children (including my daughter) were playing in the park.

Spring is - finally - here.

High Tide

High tide on the Adur from Emerald Quay

Autumn dusk on the Adur


Dramatic light on Shoreham Beach


Nap Time


New Year tranquility on Wandsworth Common

When I'm stressed…

Whenever I get stressed about finding work, about the fact that I’m going to be a father soon, about the huge changes that are sweeping over my life, I remember that I live here, that I’ve been married to a woman that I love for 9 years and that I have some fantastic, helpful and talented friends.

And suddenly I can’t find much to be stressed about…

The many people within Emmy Rossum

The demure Emmy Rossum

If there’s one thing that make me fall in love with a FashMag photoshoot, it’s when they take one person, and create many people from them. There’s no single image, but a range of looks, or moods that show you different sides of a person’s personality. This shoot of Emmy Rossum, found via Forever a Fan Girl, is just a perfect example of that. The look above is sexy, yet with an edge of sophistication, and demureness. (Is that a word? It should be.)

This look, though?

The Sext Emmy Rossum

Despite the white dress, and all the connotations that brings, this is a sexy image, almost to the point of raunchiness. It’s a lovely shoot from Zooey Magazine.

The video’s a fun watch, too. It’s exactly what a behind-the-scenes video should be: