358 tabs open on my iPad Pro. I suspect my Easter project should be cleaning them down.
(It was over 400 before my morning coffee.)
Two damn decades of writing the same blog.
Yes, One Man & His Blog is 20 today.
After spending most of the winter feeling cold when out and about, I bought myself a new coat in the sales — just in time for one last cold snap.
#mbmar 📷 Prompt: zip
Started reading: Bringing Back the Beaver by Derek Gow 📚
A rather lovely hagstone - and a deep one - found on a quick beach walk this afternoon, trying to burn off some of my daughter’s energy. She’s home today because of the teachers’ strike.
A fun evening, watching our students grill the hell out of a former prime minister. All under the Chatham House Rule, alas, so I can’t say any more.