Preparing for parental sleep-deprivation

Buzzfeed rounds up how horrible being sleep-deprived is for you:

When you get consistently bad sleep, your brain suffers. You can experience impaired learning ability, poor judgment, emotional problems, poor motor skills, and more, Dr. Timothy Morgenthaler, president of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and professor of medicine at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, tells BuzzFeed Life.

Yikes. That’ll be fun in a few months. It brings back memories of how uh, confused, I got back in 2012. Luckily, io9 has a guide to good napping:

Not all naps are created equal. Some naps have been shown to rejuvenate where others boost creativity. What's more, when you nap can be as important as how you nap. Here's how to nap like a professional, nap-taking machine. Here's how to nap like you MEAN IT.