Wortham Manor

Abandon hope all ye who enter here...

From Facebook to Vox

Giving Six Apart's new Facebook app a quick spin. Will this post magically jump from Facebook to Vox?

The Summer of '66

Another one from Mum's old slides: Dad & Dusky on the beach in the summer of '66:

Makes me laugh out loud every time I see it, and I have no idea why.

Dusky & The Baby

Once in a while, while scanning my parents' old transparencies, I come across a photo that works as a piece in its own right, separated from its emotional context. This picture, from a film dated June 1967, is one of them. It's quite, quite lovely.

Down Wif Da Kids

We're hip here in Business Development

I Think I Fancy Boris

In the US, they have Obama Girl. Here we have:

I think I fancy Boris
And therein lies the difference between the two cultures. :)

Leaving lunch for Piers at Mama Dumplings

Video Club

About the Apprentice

She is, clearly, bovvered

Doctor Who Cinema Trailer **Best Quality**

The Great Wall of Hancock

The Triple Plea

Pub lunch on the way back to Mum's

Lunch in the Chapel(field)

Grabbing a bite to eat in Norwich after Mum's chemo.

Chemo Ward

Norwich Street Scene

Yum Yum

Planning a Movable Type upgrade

Ah, Ludvig

Today's e-mails have been full of my colleagues swapping bizarre children's cartoons of their youth. I couldn't resist sharing the most bizarre, yet strangely elitist, cartoon of my childhood: Ludwig.

Ludwig 1977 (Hiccups)

Ah, Ludwig.


Gary Gygax Memorial Cat
Enter the ICHC <a

Gary Gygax, the guy who invented a hobby, passed on yesterday. I actually exchanged some e-mails with him a few years back, when I was working on a very, very short-lived gaming magazine. He seemed like a decent bloke, with a genuine passion for what he did.

He'll be missed.