The Ideal Christmas Gift

I've heard a lot about this video, but only just got around to watching it:

SNL - Digital Short - A Special Christmas Box *Uncensored Ve

It was worth the wait…

links for 2007-09-14

Saying Goodbye to a Ragged Era

Group shot 1999
Street Urchins

Tonight saw the end of an era. Despite the damage I've done to my back, I dragged myself along to the Shaftesbury Christian Centre in Deptford, for the last ever church management meeting there.

The church isn't closing, mind, it's merging with another local chuch, The Bear, but tonight's meeting marked the beginning of the end for a particular thread in its history. You see, unlike most churches, it wasn't founded for worship in the conventional sense. No, it was founded in 1844 as a mission - a Ragged School to educate, feed and clothe the poor of Deptford, in a era long before there was state support of any kind for them.

Over 162 years ago, eight men came together to establish the work on the site. Tonight, seven men and women formally wound up the management of it and passed it onto a different body.

While it's sad to see the church in its current form pass away, perhaps the time is right. The church had long passed its original purpose with the advent of state schools and social security and, in many ways, the Bear has taken on many of the social outreach roles the Shaftesbury used to fulfil.

There's only three more services planned for the current building on Frankham street, before the merger is complete and the site is redeveloped sometime next year.

Vox Hunt: Music - Ticket Stub

Show us a ticket stub from a great concert you saw.

Hah! Bet you're jealous now! How many people can say that they have seen Spinal Tap live?

Vox Hunt: Music - I Last Listened To...

Show us the last album you listened to.

According to iTunes, it was this:

I'm faintly disappointed it wasn't something more amusing or embarrassing.

links for 2007-09-12

Lunch and papers in Halesworth

Everyone's a critic...

Serious Business Journalism (Again)

Celebs on Holiday logo
Nothing but serious business blogs for us, oh yes.

Work in Progress: Types of Blog Post

04092007355I'm in the process of working up some documentation for a blog-related event we're having here at RBI later this month. The documents are going to end up as something of a beginner's guide to blogging for trade journalists, and will be going up onto the internal wiki tomorrow, in the hope that some of my colleagues will help develop them further.

But, in the meantime, I've thrown the first of them - Types of Blog Posts - up after the cut for you folks to look at, think about and roundly abuse, if you see fit.

Obviously, I'll be pathetically grateful for any comments or advice…

read more…

Devon: Not As Green As It Thinks?

Devon has been advertising itself as the greenest county in Britain. Not so, says the ASA:

070903_devon.jpgDevon County Council has had its wrist slapped by the Advertising Standards Authority. Devon's claim to be England's greenest county simply did not wash and has been rejected.

Devon may well have strong green credentials but which county can now fairly lay claim to be the greenest of them all? And exactly how do you measure that?

The adjudication won't appear on the ASA web site until Wednesday 5 September. In the meantime, you can stay on top of ASA adjudiactions courtesy of its adjudications RSS feed.

  blog it

Regular is the new small (The Caterer Blog)

Vox Incognita

When I started Voxing, waaaaaay back in June of last year, I decided to keep my neighbourhood, as much as possible, to people I actually knew. It was a reaction, in part, to the many other blogs I was reading at the time.

I'm starting to rue that decision.

From Dance to Cornish Piscie to malbonster I'm now, all of a sudden, finding people who are using Vox for really interesting stuff, from cartoons to recipes to photography. And some groups where interesting discussions are happening.

The question is: who am I missing? Which Voxers should I be reading? Who do you recommend to me?

Vox Hunt: Photography - Exposure

Show us a photo that's overexposed or underexposed but you love how it turned out.

Vox Hunt: Photography - Allow Me To Explain...

Show us a photo that requires an explanation.

This was shot for a friend's Mum, who would always ask her son to pick her up "two bottle of wine and a loaf of bread" . So we took a picture and sent it to her on a card…

Vox Hunt: Photography - Frame It

Show us one of your photos that you’d like to print out and frame.

Scenes from Sophie's Party

Enter Disco Stu

Disco Stu has entered the Vox-o-sphere. Go and encourage him with a "hello" and a neighbourhood add....

I Really Need You to Read This Article, Okay? -

The Simpsons Star Wars

The Simpsons Star Wars
Nicked from here.