A Windows Safari

Safari on Windows.

It feels weird. But a good weird.

Oh, and there's a cool benefit for Vox users - the compose window mostly works in both the Mac and Windows versions of Safari 3.

Happy Holiday Memories

It all seems so long ago now…

QotD: In Case Of Emergency

Who is your Alert In Case Of Emergency person?  

Why, the science pixie, Dr Evil herself, Lorna.

This isn't just squishy sentimentality, either. I would trust her more than anyone else to actually do whatever was needed should anything go horribly wrong.

Podcast of The Day: Media Talk

I commute for about an hour each way right now, depending on traffic and the time of year, and I use that time productively by catching up on podcasts. On Mondays I liste to The Guardian's Media Talk podcast, the latest episode of which is below:

Pretty much essential listening for anyone working seriously in media. You can subscribe in iTunes.

We can rebuild her

Because Lindsay and Karl were asking:

Bionic Woman – Coming to NBC

Today's Office Nostalgia

Terry And June Opening Titles
Today's bit of 1970s TV nostalgia: Terry & June.

I used to love this when I was a kid, before I became a teenager and realised just how painfully uncool it was.

Looking at it now, I can see why I liked it so much.

Terry & June look disturbingly like my Mum & Dad did back then...

More Serious Rural Journalism from Farmers Weekly

Young farmers and gratuitous nakedness...

Farmers Weekly - Full Monty

At Adobe Live

Focus HQ

Nadia and Stan hard at work at Estates Gazette.

Team Lunch

Because, sometimes you need to go out for a Chinese…

Cheery Mr DennyRemains of a lunch

Explaining Volcanicity

About a year ago, Jo (my sister-in-law) had scribbled "explain volcanicity" in her big book of lists as one of her objectives for 2007 in her job.

This, I suspect, is the result:

Volvic 'What is Volcanicity' TV advert

Vox Hunt: Villainous

Video:  Show us your favorite TV or movie villain. 
Submitted by Felipe Anuel.

Alan Rickman as the Sheriff of Nottingham in the Kevin Costner vehicle Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.

He was the single best thing in the movie. Never has Christmas been cancelled so stylishly.

QotD: I Turn My Camera On

What kind of camera(s) do you own?

Most of my photography is done with a Canon EOS 300D, which I believe is known as the Digital Rebel in the US. Which is a bit sad.

I also own a film Canon SLR, but that's hardly ever used. I must get around to flogging it on eBay.

I have a couple of digital compacts, but they've been neglected of late for the camera built into my mobile phone, expecially given that I can upload pics straight to Vox with it.

Who's That Spoiler? Jack's Back

Preview clip of Captain Jack returning to Doctor Who:

Doctor Who - Utopia! Clip ( Captain Jacks Return )

The Secret of Fox

The Simpsons - Fox News and the Liberal Media

Commute From Hell

The traffic this morning is hell. Locked solid from Beckenham onwards, I've spent more time checking email on my phone than driving.

Spot the car

At Gatwick. Looking for the car in the car park.
Note to self: it's the one covered in Cornish mud…

Suffolk again

Start the day in Suffolk - finish it in Dublin…

QotD: Search Me

How well does your name Google? Who are you up against? (Celebrities, etc.)
Submitted by Matt Blank.

Pretty well, thank you. Mind you, I don't do nearly as well for just "Adam".

Alanis and Her Humps

Alanis Moristette covers "My Humps" by the Black Eyed Peas in her traditional style:

Alanis Morissette "My Humps" video
