Sun over Lewisham Station

Of course, if I hadn't been commuting by train, I'd have missed this quality of light:


On the train today. It reminds me of how lucky I am to drive most days.

10 Ways to know a WoW Addict

I'm only guilty of a few of these...

Top 10 ways to know you play too much World of Warcraft:

  • 10. You try to book a vacation in Azeroth.
  • 9. You've ever planned to "raid" another department.
  • 8. You consider work assignments "quests" and expect items and XP for completing them.
  • 7. You have ever challenged a co-worker to a duel.
  • 6. You want your paycheck in gold, silver and copper.
  • 5. Your character is killed by a higher ranking enemy so you take a week off to "extract vengeance".
  • 4. You have ever called in sick because your character died and you are in "mourning".
  • 3. You have ever tried "hearthing" to escape work.
  • 2. You've ever mistaken your supervisor for a class trainer and demanded new skills.
  • 1. You refuse to answer to anything other than your WoW character's name.

Tea at the Crazy Bear

My Brother Runs...

As some of you know, I lost my father to cancer five years ago, and now my mother is fighting against it.

Both of them have had huge support from the local community nursing fund, who exist to provide the terminally ill and the families with support and assistance in their own homes. It's funded from charitable donation, and my brother is abandoning his over-paid city boy ways to run the London Marathon partially in aid of this charity.

If any of you would like to support him, the money would be gratefully recieved.

Vox Hunt: Is For The Birds

Show us some birds.

Snapped this little fella grabbing a bite while I was in New York:

And spotted this chap a couple of years ago in the Everglades, while on holiday in Florida:

Rooftop car work

Just refilling the screen wash, but it looked impressive with the car all alone on the top floor of the carpark.

Exciting Times chez Tinworth

Oh, at least, if you're interested in gardening:

For today was the first day we actually got out into the garden to start sorting things out. Lorna did most of the work, frankly. I was engaged in the endless struggle to get my study under control for much of the morning. But out into the garden I eventually went, to do my bit.

I rather like our garden. If you ignore the shuddering traffic noises of the road outside our frnt door, it's a little oasis of calm in the heart of Lewisham. One a day when Lorna was woken by people fighting over parking on a side street, every little oasis of calm you can find is worth having.

Especially with barbecue weather just around the corner…

Messin' With Mark's MacBook

Bank Holiday Begins

Today has been an unexpectedly quiet day. We dragged Nicola back here in the early hours of the morning and let her sleep off her birthday excesses.

I cooked a full English brunch early afternoon, which helped recovery, and the rest of the day has been based around pottering and chatting.

Oh, and some work on my blog. I like to squeeze some productivity into the most indolant of days.

In Trafalgar Square

Sitting with a drunk friend. Nice view.

Karl: style guru

Leaving Do

Good Weather Ahead

Despite Piers' concerns:

Good times ahead!  

Liveblogging is thirsty work

Lloyd Davis of Perfect Path taking a Liveblogging break.

At Blogging4Business

But where is the wireless?

Sunday afternoon in the back garden

Who's that (MySpace) Girl?

Martha Jones, the new companion being introduced in the third series of Doctor Who that starts on Saturday is on MySpace.

It's not clear at this point if it's a fan effort or a BBC promotional decision. If it's the latter, that's a very interesting move for them.

Analysing 300

Great review and analysis of the film 300.

300 is racist.

Anyone who is not Spartan, pure-blooded and pure-shaped Spartan, is lesser or evil. Xerxes’ emissaries are black, his soldiers are Asian and African and Persian and God knows what else. He employs the monsters of Africa against the plucky band of Spartans, and all are inferior, barbarous, cowardly. They hide behind numbers, they hide behind masks, they hide behind sorcery and arrows and treachery and anything else they can think of, while the true Spartan men are unashamed of their faces, their bodies, their pure god-derived blood. And yet…

300 is not racist.

The Spartans treat all who come before them the same, regardless of color. The worst contempt is reserved for the Ephors, men of Spartan blood and ancestry, bloodless and pale. At the end of the film, there is a message of unity, of joining the greater whole regardless of one’s origin or blood. And yet…

Things of which I am ashamed #1

Some of you may know that I had something of a secondary career writing gaming books for a while.

MainMor's post about the, uh, less than artistic nature of RPG illustration at times reminded me of the cover I was most profoundly ashamed to have my words behind.

Because, really, what the heck is there good to say about this?