Office Departure Time: 18:55

Today, it's 25 minutes later than my self-imposed deadline.

I will get better at this, oh yes.

Vox Hunt: This Gets Me Cooking

Book: Show us one of your favorite cookbooks.

This is, without doubt, my favourite and most-used cookbook. I have a very battered and abused copy of this that was given to me by my parents when I went to university 18 years ago, and which I lived out of through the leaner times as a student.

I'm very fond of Chinese food. It's healthy, quick and can be very cheap if you buy carefully.

I don't eat nearly as much of it as I used to, as Lorna isn't nearly as much of a fan of the cuisine as I am. But when I do cook it, I always turn to Ken Hom.

Post in lieu of a Lunch Break

So, back in sunny Sutton and back at the blogface after my weekend of indolence, and already the effects are beginning to wear off. I'm looking at a slightly-stupid workload before my departure for New York and the Movable Type Summit next week.


My plans to take a walk out of the building at least once a day are looking under severe jeopardy right now.

I suppose part of this is to do with switching from a job with a finite amount to work to be achieved each week to one where the more successful you are, the more your workload increases, and in non-predictable, non-linear ways.

I will adjust. It will just take time.

Has Spring Sprung?

I'm taking a brief break from my weekend of indolance to in shopping for food.

And my, isn't it mild? Spring is in the air.

That, or global warning…

Mum & Dad - Spanish Beach 1963

Another one from the growing digital archives

Climbing the RSS mountain

A couple of weeks back, Karl was complaining about hitting 1,000 unread posts in his RSS readers.

As of 9am this morning, this is my unread count…

Looks like it's time for a large pot of coffee, iTunes on quietly (so as not to wake Lorna) and lots of reading.

Human Beatbox in the Kitchen

Last one for now, as e-mailed around by Karl:

Kitchen diaries

Vox Hunt: I Miss This Show

Video: Show us a clip of a TV show you miss.

The Goodies - How to Make Babies by Doing Dirty Things
Goodies! Goodie, Goodie, Yum, Yum!

These three acheived a level of pure visual comedy (the show was very much an adult TV version of comics like The Beano) that has rarely been neared since.

Beware The Baby Panda!

Stolen without shame from Jay Allen:

Sneezing Panda

Torn - mimed

This came up on the Ravens GuildChat list earlier (which is pretty off-topic for a World of Warcraft guild, but there you go…) and I just couldn't resist reVoxing it:

Torn by David Armand

My brother and his wife bought me this DVD for Christmas and I was in tears of laughter watching this sequence the first time around.

Touched by a Mole

You have to wait for the mole, but it's almost worth it…

Touched By A Mole - RBI / Kellysearch Customer Care

QotD: MmmCookies

Did you order Girl Scout cookies this year?  What kind?

Y'know, one day Vox is going to realise that it's an international service...

They're called Girl Guides over here, and they don't bake cookies biscuits.

So, no. Never.

Vox Hunt: Candlelit

Show us a candle burning.

Back to the 50s

Here's an even earlier pic: my Dad (far right) with his National Service buddies serving in Suez…

QotD: Totally Obsessed

What is your current obsession(s)?
Submitted by eijsr.

Currently, getting some sleep. I seem to be in a semi-perpetual state of sleep deprivation right now.

Enter Mechanical March

So, March. That's one sixth of the year gone. How the hell did that happen…?

Headlight Replacement

Still, moving on, I'm very proud of myself right now. As Lorna will happily tell you, at length, I'm not the world's most mechanically talented people. It's just not my strong suit. I'm better at it than my Dad, for whom the simplest of flat-packs was a nasty challenge, was or my brother, who just pays people to do it for him, is, but I'm only good by comparison.

Last night, one of my headlight bulbs went. This made me nervous. For one, it's illegal to drive around with a headlight out, and I'm the sort of clean-living guy who gets done as soon as I step out of line. For another, last time I tried to change a headlight bulb, I remember it being a bit of a nightmare. In the end, I had to get Lorna to do it for me.

I stopped off at Halfords in Sutton. I spent a while working through the guides to find the right bulb for my Megane. And I installed it. Just like that. I stood with oily hands in the Halfords, slightly amazed at my own marginal competence, and gaped at the working light.

Of such material are life's small victories cut.

Book Tech Support

Another bit of e-mailed video humour, this time from Karl:

Introducing the book

QotD: The Best Blend

What's your favorite blend or brand of coffee or tea?

Tea-wise, it's jasmine all the way. I find it a wonderful mid-afternoon de-stresser. I drank loads of it in a Chinese restaurant in Bristol last year, and something went "click" in my taste buds. It's been a major part of my beverage intake ever since.

Coffee? I'm on a bit of an Union Coffee Roasters kick right now. I find their coffee to have a flavour a notch above that of most ground coffees, and it's really perking up my work days right now.

Chad Vader: Day Shift Manager

Michael Targett of Black Sheep e-mailed this around, but it's good enough to share here:

Chad Vader - Day Shift Manager (episode 1)

Vox Hunt: Time To Make The Donuts

Show us how your work week begins.

Inspiring, isn't it?