Vox Hunt: Rocked My World
Audio: Show us cover art or share a track from the first band or solo artist you flipped for.
Submitted by Red Pen.
QotD: Your Cheatin' Heart
Have you ever been cheated on? Ever cheated?
Submitted by Joe.
Technically, I've never been cheated on (that I'm aware of at least). However, I did have two girlfriends take up with someone else within a very short period of breaking up with me, and in both cases, I'm pretty sure things were in motion before the break-up.
Me? I've always been a very good boy. Never even come close to cheating on a girl.
QotD: It Was Kismet
How did you meet your current, or most recent, significant other?
I met her at the front door of a flat she shared with nicola in New Cross.
My girlfriend of the time was standing right next to me.
QotD: Forward My Mail
In which fictional world/universe/land/city would you most like to live?
Submitted by glenn is the new chuck.
None of them. Why? Well, think about it. What makes them attractive as entertainment is exactly what would make them unattractive to live in.
I'd rather not live in constant fear of being slaughtered by orcs / having my brain scooped out and placed in a cyber body / have my apartment traipsed through by crime scene teams with implausible effective gadgets after my death.
Really, that would just suck.
Group Hug!
While I've been insanely busy getting corporate blogging going, Vox got around to launching their groups feature. And very interesting it is, too.
Those who work alongside me should have been invited to a private work group by now. (If you haven't, send me a private message).
Some others who read this might be interested to note the World of Warcraft group. The rest of you can just point and laugh at us.
Sick. Sick as a dog.
I am feeling exceptionally sorry for myself this morning. I'm curled up in bed with every duvet and blanket I can find on top of me, because I just don't seem to be able to keep warm. Had a very unpleasant night, the details of which I will not share with you.
Being ill is a bad thing. It needs to go away.