Wet, Wild & Walking
You'll find more in my growing New Year 2007 collection.
From the iPod #1
I recommend it highly if you ever have to spend a few hours correcting other people's Movable Type template errors.
Back at the Coal Face
After an entertaining 20 minutes prising my wife out of bed with a crowbar this morning (she wanted to be up at a reasonable hour this morning, and knew she wouldn't manage it alone), I am now back in the office.
I note that IS have (briefly) broken Movable Type while I was away, and that Windows Live Messenger is no longer working.
And I've had my quota of coffee for this morning.
I suspect that this is going to be a long, hard day.
Getting Down and Dirty with Natalie
For all the gentlemen of Business Development who expressed their admiration of Miss Natalie Portman at our Christmas Lunch:
QotD: One Lump or Two?
How do you take your tea or coffee?
Submitted by Vasquez.
I take my coffee as dark as night and as bitter as the heart of a woman scorned.
I take my tea in a nice mug.
When D&D Goes Bad
I was forced to steal this from MainMor, due to extreme hilarity. This will mean nothing, if you didn't have a geeky childhood: