Le Web 3. C'est fini…
The conference is done. I'm pretty much done. Just staggered up from the bar , where I was drinking with Ross Mayfield of SocialText, Hugh MacLeod of Gaping Void and Tom Morris, as well as various folks from Six Apart.
It's the first time in years I've been to a conference where I was actually participating in the activities under discussion, not just reporting on them, and I loved it. I've made some great contacts, learnt some interesting things and my blog traffic has gone through the roof.
And I'm pissed.
Until tomorrow…
Test post from Vox Mobile
I don't know if you've seen it, but there's a handy-dandy Vox posting client for your mobile phone called, wait for it, Vox Mobile.
And I'm playing around with it and its capabilities.
Such fun!
Voxy Stuff and Family Stuff
Oooh. New look Vox...
Some nice new features, including the ability to import posts from other systems and media from its existing url. That should be handy.
In other news, I'm back in Suffolk for the day, taking Mum for her latest dose of chemotherapy.
I'm really, really looking forward to having a complete week in the office next week.
QotD: This Song Makes Me Festive
What song gives you the most holiday cheer?
Submitted by Roxy.
It's also on the album of the same name.
By a spooky co-incidence, it's also being used as the theme for the BBC's Xmas trailer.
QotD: Holiday Shopping
When do you start your holiday shopping?
Submitted by Murphy.
As late as humanly possible. I'm a bit rubbish at this sort of thing, and tend to everything in one afternoon's retail binge.
QotD: Childhood Frights
What were you afraid of as a child that seems silly to you now?
Submitted by navelgazer.
While that particular fear is pretty much gone, I still get seriously freaked out by what you might call "cyber-horror", where human bodies are partially replaced by mechanical parts. The cyber-conversion scenes in the most recent series of Doctor Who really freaked me out, for example, as did "cyberwoman" from Torchwood.