QotD: Heartbreaker
What's your favorite heartbreak song?
Submitted by esta86.
My favourite is probably Here's Where the Story Ends, by Tin Tin Out.
Depending on my mood and the girl in question, Ordinary World by Duran Duran, Locked Out by Crowded House or even I Quit by Hepburn have all been soundtracks to heartbreak for me.
You'll not that my heartbreaks are very mainstream, very pop-y. How very teenage.
Eva Green's Premiere Style
It's really eye-catching, very sexy, yet a million miles away from the "slinkly cocktail frock" approach that usually seems de rigeur for these events.
Despite showing less flesh than any movie star ever at a premiere (Judi Dench was showing more skin, for goodness' sake), she still managed to make the front page of several newspapers. Good work, that lady.
Off to the pictures...
Off to see Casino Royale tonight. I'm more excited about this than any Bond film I've seen in years.
Back in LJ land (sorta)
You may have noticed that my Livejournal posts have dropped to almost nothing since Vox launched. I'm finding posting there a more satisfying experience.
Well, now I can cross-post to LJ from Vox, so you should be hearing a little more from me.
QotD: I Rock The Mic
What song makes you rock the karaoke mic?
Submitted by Ann.
No song does that. I last did karaoke about 14 years ago, and am in no hurry to do it again...
The RBI Brighton Experience
We had our annual Editors Conference in Brighton a couple of weeks ago. I was hoping to pull together some video of the event, but I had precious little time, as it turned out. So, I've pulled together what I did shoot in this silly little video:
QotD: OS Preference
Windows, Mac, Linux - What's your preference and why?
Submitted by ramblingsbymark.
I'm pretty much a Mac man and it's pretty much because they're pretty machines.
I'm actually quite serious about this - I find the aesthetics of the Mac OS and the machine design to be more conducive to productivity than the aesthetics of the Windows environment. Of course, this being an aesthetic judgement, it only holds true for the value of me.
Linux? Waaaay too techie for me.
QotD: My Dream Career
What's your dream career?
Submitted by Something.
Oh, probably as a multi-media reporter given the freedom to travel, and cover stories with words, pictures and movies as I saw fit. And the freedom to go out and find those stories for myself.
What I'm doing right noiw comes a pretty close second…
QotD: They Play My Jams
What's your favorite radio station, past or present?
Rather sadly, I'm pretty much a Radio 4 man these days, althought I have had period swhere Radio 1, Capital Radio and Jazz FM were my favourite stations.
QotD: My Vox Name
How did you pick your Vox name? Does it mean something?
Submitted by LeendaDLL.
Uh, well, Adam is my first name, so…
Actually, I was just delighted that I was "in" a new service early enough that I was actually able to bag my first name. I'm chuffed about that in a pretty immature way.
QotD: Ghost Story
Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever seen a ghost?
Submitted by Nancy.
In the sense of "restless spirits of the dead still walking the world", well, no. I do think there are phenomena which are at the root of the ghosts legends we have which remain to be explained by science, but given enough time, they will be.
This is work, honest
So, I've been testing a new phone with digital camera for work purposes. Here's some pictures of the merry Business Development gang:
And, lastly, here's some less successful ones of a presentation yesterday. I need to do some more testing of the camera's utility in dimly-lit places.
QotD: What I Love About Vox
In honor of Vox's launch tomorrow, what's your favorite feature or aspect of Vox?
I just love the ability to pluck media into Vox from other sources: movies, pics and the like. I love rich media websites and Vox makes it so easy to bring your blog to life.
(Although, it would be quite nice if it worked with your YouTube account like it does with your Flickr account...)
QotD: All My Computers
How many computers do you have in your house?
Submitted by Foomper.
Usually, just two: the iMac and the iBook. Currently we have an old Performa 6400 kicking around which I'm gonna flog or trash.
Right now, though, I'm at Mum's, and we have 5 computers in the house: Mum's iMac, my iBook, my work PC laptop, Jo's work PC laptop and Mark's iBook.