QotD: Weekend Plans
What are your plans for the weekend?
I'm spending time with Mum before her operation on Tuesday.
QotD: My First Kiss
Tell us about your first kiss. Who was it with? How old were you?
I was a late starter with girls.
I was 19, and it was with an American girl called Jen, who was an exchange student at Imperial College at the time. We kissed on a street corner in South Kensington, and all I can remember about it is how odd her teeth felt and how much she tasted of cigarette smoke.
Who says romance is dead?
QotD: How To Kick A Cold
What do you do to get rid of a cold or flu?
Submitted by ashenflowers.
Stay in bed, drink plenty of fluids, and then knock yourself unconcious with hot whisky drinks last thing at night.
I've no idea if the last suggestion helps, but it sure makes you feel better.
What the Adders has been doing
So, what have I been working on, that's keeping me so quiet?
Well, as of tomorrow, HJi will be live, with a blog. For hairdressers. And I get to spend the morning at an exhibition for hairdressers. Hmm.
More seriously, we have the Road Transport Blog for truckers and van drivers.
Oh, and something on Biofuels. We haven't had time to put a pretty face on that yet, but it'll come in next week or so.
More to follow…
QotD: My Favorite Sense
Which of your five senses (touch, taste, sight, hearing, or smell) do you value the most?
Submitted by Elisheva.
Probably sight. I'm an intensely visual person, and I really can't imagine being blind.
Of course, that could be because I was, essentailly, blind for the first three years of my life. While not actually blind, I am so intesely short sighted that people actually assumed I was stupid as a small child, until my Dad finally twigged that the reason I wasn't responding to certain things was that I couldn't see them.
I think unexpectedly learning to read books, while being unable to read posters was the give-away.
Vox Hunt: Can't Live Without
Show us something you can't live without.
Submitted by awkwardidity.
While I hate to be cliched, the only thing I genuinely couldn't live without is Lorna.
QotD: The Day I Met My BFF(s)
How did you meet your best friend(s)?
The best friends I have are either people I used to hang out with at university, or people I've met through work since.
QotD: Strike Up The Band
Do you play any musical instruments? </p></blockquote><p>
I can still play a handful of bars of the Skye Boat Song on a recorder.
And, uh, that's it.
QotD: All My Pets
How many pets have you owned in your lifetime? Tell us about them.
Submitted by jennajellopy.vox.com.
I've not been much of a pet owner. My parents had a dog called Dusky when I was very young. After that came a couple of goldfish called golfclub and ball, if I remember correctly. There may well have been another pair, but I can't remember their names for the life of me. And that's it, I'm afraid.
QotD: Set Your DVR
What TV show(s) will you be watching this season? Why?
Submitted by ducnly.vox.com.
Well, I throughly enjoyed the start of the BBC's adaptation of Jane Eyre which started last night. I'm most looking forward to
Torchwood, though. If they manage to pull off something of the quality of the new Doctor Who, with an adult sensibility, I'll be a happy man indeed.
QotD: Reach Out
Is there a friend who you owe a phonecall or email? What's stopping you?
Well, I owe one to Rev Stan, but then, I'm just about to pick up the phone to her…
QotD: I'm Crafty
What's the last thing you crafted, constructed or created yourself?
Most of the things I create are not really "crafty" - I've made DVDs of a friend's wedding and a recent holiday in the last couple of months, but does that count? Does all the writing I do? The most hands-on thing I've been doing has been the complete refurbishment of the flat Lorna & I have been working on.
Other than that? Hmm. The banana cake I baked last Monday night?
QotD: Let's Go There
What's your favorite vacation destination?
I've not often visited the same area twice, but the West Country is rapidly becoming a favourite, if only because of Lorna's
enthusiam for the area.