That was April 2017

Calmness in the Cotswolds

[youtube [](]) 

Just to remind myself that calmness is out there.

The melancholy fate of the Shoreham starfish

A weekend walk along Shoreham Beach threw up this melancholy sight. Dozens of starfish on the beach, amongst empty mussels shells, and the remains of filleted fish. Personally, I suspect that the lot were thrown over the side of a boat and washed ashore on the beach.

[vimeo 36373244 w=640 h=360]

Everything in the gardens is…

[vimeo []( w=530&h=298] 

Visited Arundel Castle yesterday, but photography and video is strictly banned within the castle itself. So, I contented myself with some video of the rather stunning gardens…

Red Arrows over Bristol

I shot this on my iPhone a couple of weeks ago, but help off posting it because of the tragedy of last weekend. But the more I thought about it, the more I realised that these guys work very hard to show their skill, and to entertain. And that Sunday they did both, both for the people at the Balloon Fiesta, and for people all over southern Bristol who could see their display. And death shouldn't prevent us celebrating the skills of life.

[vimeo []( w=530&h=298] 

Saturday's fine for Shoreham flying

Despite the dire warnings of rain and general unpleasantness, today dawned bright and fine in Shoreham-by-Sea, which must have been a great relief to the organisers of the airshow. Sadly, we were too busy to attend this year, but we were treated to a free show as we walked from the Beach over to the town this afternoon:

[vimeo []( w=530&h=298]

 Sorry for the very amateur hour footage. Pointing a small caera at the sky and getting decent results is harder than I imagined… My respect for my FlightGlobal colleagues goes up. 


Capturing a Summer's moment by the Thames

I'm having one of those days, looking forward to a free hour or so, sandwiched between a day's working on a report for work, and an evening raiding with my Warcraft guild.

However, I grabbed a little time over lunch to edit and upload a little video I shot while walking along the Thames on Friday evening, on the way to meeting friends in a pub. It was a glorious, sunny, summer's evening, and it felt just wonderful to be meandering along the river amongst the rush of Friday night humanity. Here's my attempt to capture it:

[vimeo []( w=500&h=281] 

I'm really enjoying creating these little "video photographs" of an experience, a moment in time, even if no-one else cares. :)

Covent Garden after the rain

Shot last week, after sheltering from a sudeen downpour in the Apple Store. I managed not to buy anything. Does this mean that I'm finally an adult?

[vimeo []( w=525&h=295]

A Fake Royal Wedding in Covent Garden

Spotted on the way back from my pilgrimage to the Apple Store:

[vimeo 21807492 w=535 h=401]

Wonder what that was all about?

Daily Vignette #1: Shoreham Saturday

[vimeo 20994464 w=521 h=293]

Another little project for myself: shoot short vignettes capturing the feel or an aspect of a day in under 30 seconds. This was yesterday’s.

Wonder how long this one will last? :-)

The original idea was to have these as "motion photographs" and post them to Flickr. And then I remembered that Flickr hasn't yet got its act together to provide iPad and iPhone compatible video yet, so I went with Vimeo instead. 


It's a snow day. After I made it home last night, the snow really settled in on the South-East, bringing much of the public transport infrastructure to its knees. There's no trains from here to London, and I wasn't about to risk my neck on the M23 in these conditions. So, a snow day, a working from home day.

But…there's always room for a lunchtime walk, isn't there?

[vimeo []( w=549&h=309]

What The Internet is Made Of...

(Spoiler: cats)

25 Years Ago...

Just sticking this up here so I can find it again. I love the recreating of the 1980s in this ad - it takes me straight back to my teenage years...

Today on the internets...

Today I have been:

  • Finally figuring out what body con means. Not knowing had been bothering me for months.
  • Being amused by this:

When a Canon Boy Meets a Nikon Girl

Possibly not safe for work, depending on your office environment…

A Home Movie Archive - an archive of home movies, searchable by decade and location. You can pay them to convert your movies, and then they'll be included in the archive.

The Good, The Bad & The Uke

Some gratuitous Ukelele Orchestra of Great Britain to see me through the afternoon:

Lo! Kittehs!

Martyn & Sophie have, well, kittens:

Alice in HD Wonderland

This looks like seven kinds of wonderful:

Holborn Freebies

One of the nice things about working in Holborn again is fun urban moments like this: