One Man's notebook this week.
Lovely sunrise over Hassocks station this morning.
Took me too many years - but I finally got that last elusive badge…
Home learning on teachers’ strike day, thanks to BBC Bitesize.
I have 300 open tabs on my iPad. Tonight, I wage war on them.
(By “wage war” I mean “read and decide if I’m going to blog about them”, of course.)
This is an interesting read: it appears that a seratonin deficiency might not be the key cause of depression after all.
I'm really looking forward to seeing what comes of City's Creatives in Residence scheme.
Great post by Matt Genmell on why we should give ourselves permission to write shorter, less weighty posts in blogs.
Some of this is down to platform design: and Tumblr encourage short posts in a way that, say, Wordpress doesn’t.
I declared RSS bankruptcy last night, marked the 5,000+ articles which were unread in NetNewsWire as read, and revelled in the manageable flow of new posts.
Such a great decision.
My kind of diversion.
Beware: killer clowns and hangry bears.
We’re coming back into the light. The sun was rising as we drove to the pool this morning, after months of doing this trip in the dark.
Spring’s a-coming.