One Man's Notes

Jan 30, 2024 ↓

Why are publishers making fools of themselves by deploying generative AI that clearly isn't ready yet?

They're terrified of repeating the mistakes of the past

Feb 1, 2024 ↓

After nearly a month battling a respiratory virus, today is the first day I've woken up and genuinely felt like I was on the mend.

Feels good.

Feb 2, 2024 ↓

Finally, some harbingers of spring.

Daffodils at Hassocks Station

Feb 3, 2024 ↓

🔗 Return-to-office mandates don’t help companies make more money, study says:

Now, new research from the Katz Graduate School of Business at the University of Pittsburgh suggests that office mandates may not help companies’ financial performances, but they can make workers less satisfied with their jobs and work-life balance.

I will never understand the obsession with getting everyone back into the office. If you want them back, tempt them, don’t order them.

Feb 3, 2024 ↓

Today I will be:

  • a. marking
  • b. learning about DMARC
  • c. getting a hair cut

One big party, my life.

Feb 3, 2024 ↓

Haircut achieved.

Adam Tinworth before a haircut. Adam Tinworth after a hair cut.