One Man's notebook this week.
Headline of the day:
No, Donald Trump Isn’t Wading Through Hurricane Floodwaters, You Absolute Morons
A simple way to improve the internet.
Today's newsletter muses on Meta's inability to recognise that people are messy, contradictory and contain multitudes. The more it tries to shove people into algorithmic boxes, the less compelling its products become.
Bloggers and journalists, 20 years on.
Inspired by John Naughton's Observer column about @dave's 30 years of blogging…
It's probably fair to say that I love blogging so much that if everybody else gave it up, I'd still continue.
It'd be less fun, obviously. But still worthwhile.
The best way I've found of preventing photos from looking too digital is to make them with film.
I still have a film camera. One day I shall use it again. One day.
Night beach.
Why is Substack's rival Ghost becoming more and more popular?
Interesting read.
Meta is actually going to try to win back young people to Facebook.
Good luck with that. I suspect they have more chance of annoying their current users than persuading teenagers and people in their 20s that Facebook is for them.
Just made my account's newsletter subscribe page slightly more fancy.
Well, this is profoundly worrying:
Global wildlife populations have plunged by an average of 73% in 50 years, a new scientific assessment has found, as humans continue to push ecosystems to the brink of collapse.
I spent an interesting evening yesterday at the launch of City St George's new Institute for Creativity and AI.
How refreshing to see academics pushing forward on this while the technology is still nascent, and before it gets deeply embedded into society.
Another commute begins.
So London it hurts.
Nice image from Hamburg a few weeks back.
Late summer rambles at the RSPB Pulborough Brooks nature reserve.