Dennis Sellers for Apple World Today: Apple should revive the AirPort line-up with Wi-Fi 6E support

Yes, it damn well should.

I’m back from our road trip holiday, and getting the daily newsletter back up and running.

Today’s edition is, inevitably, dominated by AI, but there’s also something interesting happening about Apple and Substack open rates…

Big Willie style

A detailed bronze bust portrays William Shakespeare dressed in ornate clothing typical of the Renaissance period.


The Swan Theatre: A red brick building with a modern glass section displays large "RSC" signage against a backdrop of a clear sky.

Burn, baby, burn.

Started reading: Going to Ground, an Anthology of Nature and Place, edited by Jon Woolcott 📚

Scottish sundown

A beautiful sunset is seen through dense foliage, with a mountain and body of water in the background.


A large shark sculpture appears to be embedded headfirst into the roof of a residential building.

A beautiful example of clickbait that immediately owns up to being clickbait in the first par…

Y’know, if you’re trying to persuade someone to give you something, arguing with and attempting to patronise them seems like a poor tactic to me. I do wonder how much success they’re having with that approach…

Sticks are fine things. You can dabble in ponds with them. You can throw them for dogs to fetch. And if they’re of the right build - stout, with a hand-snug end - you can stride through the woods using one as an aid, not just for the walking but for the general quality of the experience.

— From Light Rains Sometimes Fall by Lev Parikian 📚

I love the way the MG logo on the front of my EV glows while it’s charging.

An illuminated MG emblem is prominently displayed on the front of a charging EV, surrounded by a glowing light.

Don’t you hate it when an old friend starts dating someone you can’t stand?

That’s pretty much exactly how I feel about Apple getting into bed with Taboola, for “native advertising” in Apple News.

What about reader experience, Apple?

Negative positivity — or why even scanned negatives are worth hanging on to…


Why being in nature is so good for your mental health:

We have evolved in nature for thousands of years, and so it’s just intuitive that we are healthiest and the most balanced when we are in nature.

Surfers Against Sewage:

Ofwat have championed that water company plans will cut discharges from storm overflows by 44% by 2030. But, this will still allow discharges to occur a massive 200,000 times a year. What really takes this piss is that Ofwat had already told companies to reduce spills by 21% by next year anyway. So when you break it down between 2025-2030 they are only requiring a 23% reduction.

Disgusting, both figuratively and literally.

Zak Asgard:

By January this year, videos about Stanley cups had been viewed a soul-destroying 201.4 million times. Think about that. Videos of people sucking on what is essentially an adult training cup have been viewed more times than Nasa’s YouTube upload of the Apollo 11 mission.

Dream house.

A modern, two-story house with large windows is situated in a lush, wooded area.

[via Dezeen]

Apparently BT have decided that providing us with broadband is a pretty optional thing, so today will be powered by mobile broadband.

Let’s hope it’s up to a Zoom judging session…