Typing student feedback, and “the ‘gram” (Instagram) got auto-corrected to “the ‘grim”, and I’m not entirely sure that’s actually wrong.

Could an afternoon in the woods at the rewilded Knepp Estate rewild my child?

My youngest and I went along to find out — and found ourselves fascinated by barn owl pellets

I don’t need a forest bathing ticket or expensive gear to sit and eat a cheese and pickle sandwich on a fallen tree trunk. I don’t need an end point, a map or a phone.

Dal Kular in Wild Service, edited by Nick Hayes 📚

When a man begins to turn the earth he finds that spring is not born in the branches of the trees, but down in the cold and dark and damp. Before the first mild morning had stimulated birds to sing, some influence had been felt down here.

A Countryman’s Spring Notebook by Adrian Bell 📚

Finally, the shot I was destined to take. A wild adder, shot by @adders.

A wild adder photographed coiled in the grass at RSPB Pulborough Brooks in Sussex.

All 34. Blimey.

Having one of those moments when you’re happily scanning your way through some old negatives of your parents', and it slowly dawns on you that this set was shot…

…on a nudist beach.

When going through my late parents' negatives, I found a small number of medium format negs I don’t have the capacity to scan myself. I sent off a trial film to a professional scanning outfit as a test, and the results are quite something…

The Lake District in the 1960sAnn Tinworth in the Lake District in the 1960sA Lake District waterfallCars parked in the Lake District in the 1960s.

Started reading: A Countryman’s Spring Notebook by Adrian Bell 📚

These little hardback editions from Simply Foxed are just gorgeous.

Do electric vehicles use more water than petrol cars?


As ever, it’s not just about switching to EVs - it’s about the source of the electricity you use.

Started reading: Wild Service by Nick Hayes 📚

This is where my eldest is camping with the Guides. I am very jealous.

A beautiful field near Nowhurst.

Started reading: Light Rains Sometimes Fall by Lev Parikian 📚

Om Malik with the headline of the day there.

We need to collapse context collapse in our online communities.

Good fences and all that…

I don’t think I’ve ever looked forward to a general election quite as much as this one.

The Rail Riders Club was a marketing thing British Rail did back in the 1980s, before it was broken up and privatised. These images are from a meet they held in Edinburgh, back in the late 80s.

A Rail Riders club meeting in Edinburgh in the 1980s.Angela from the Rail Riders club in Edinburgh in the 1980s.

Once, a very long time ago, I turned 12.

Adam Tinworth on his 12th birthday.

Second update from the Ghost team building out ActivityPub support: Building ActivityPub: Day 1

Started reading: Finding Hildasay by Christian Lewis 📚