Yikes. I need to do better than that.

A graph from Apple Health showing my average sleep at 5 hours 50 minutes.

Well, who doesn’t?

Graffiti in a railway siding reading “I ❤️ eggs”.

Today I have been moving over 30Gb of videos around my network, archiving footage from livestreams and other events.

Every single file I’m moving is many, many times the size of the hard drives of my first few Macs.

Ah, who can fail to love one of these?

An a-frame backboard with “secondhand bookshop” written in chalk.

Weekly 7.30am swimming lesson whiteboard wisdom.

A whiteboard with the following written on it: “Resilience is knowing that you are the only one that has the power and responsibly to pick youself up&10;- May Holloway”

Started reading: Local by Alastair Humphreys 📚

A sign of spring.

A bud forming at Nymans in Sussex.

Living at the coast takes a special kind of stoicism and hardiness. And a readiness to make hay while the sun shines. If you are born to it then it’s just a part of life. But if you are new to it, or plan to make a life of it, it’s good to remember that it’s not all plain sailing. And you might need some waterproof trousers.

— Martin Dorey in Coast magazine

Sad times for Portuguese D&D fans.

Turns out I can’t spell phoenix to save my life. I have a complete mental block over how to spell it correctly.

Yes, I had to look it up for this post. 🤦🏼‍♂️

So, just starting to get my head around micro.blog’s new premium offer. It took me a while to twig that, when you set up a new blog, you’re the same user, but with an additional blog.

That means that some of the automatically set up things - like an About page - make little sense, because they’re pulling from your original user account.

It’s all fixed by creating a new About page. But it feels like we could do with more per blog customisation settings, if more users are going to have multiple blogs.

So, Reddit is selling all the free labour of its users to an AI company to train its model.

Well, that explains the API changes last year…

Setting up my second blog on micro.blog: Unknown Exposures

I hate chasing invoices. But it looks like I’m going to need to do it today or tomorrow.


Super rare night out for me - at the Banff Mountain Film Festival in Brighton.

The Concert Hall at the Brighton Dome, for the Banff Mountain Film Festival.

One of the Dalmatian Pelicans at WWT Arundel.

A Dalmatian pelican.

This duck is stylin’.

A scaly-sided merganser at WWT Arundel

Testing out the new coffee shop in town, Clubhouse Coffee.

Smoothie of the banana and strawberry varietyA black americano at Clubhouse Coffee in Shoreham. A pain au chocolate Vegan biscoff cakeHoneycomb brownie

Here are the small but dedicated band of protestors in their conspiratorial glory.

Anti-vaccine signs at a protest in SussexProtesters who are against the WEF and cashless payments in Shoreham. Another anti-vaccine placard in Sussex.

Bit of a “grab bag” protest in town. They’re against:

  • Cashless payments
  • Vaccines
  • Ultra low emissions zones
  • The World Economic Forum

I might not mention that I’ve been in the offices of the last one…