My paternal Shrove Tuesday duty is done.

A stack of pancakes on Pancake Day.

Friendly wee chaps.

A robin at Pulborough Brooks. Another robin at Pulborough Brooks

Evening light at RSPB Pulborough Brooks.

Warm evening light on a stand of Elm

Water level a bit on the high side, then.

Flooding near Pulborough Brooks in Sussex.

semicolons are a suitably catlike, noncommittal form of punctuation.

Rooted by Lyanda Lynn Haupt 📚

Gosh, my daughters love the days out I pick for them!

Love a bit of crema

Crema on a black americano at Victoria’s Sponge, Steyning.

🔗 Hunter-Gathering For Wimps:

Making a conscious decision to shut the f@&£ up, not cause the planet bow and crack under the weight of more opinions, and just listen to people sometimes, even if they are talking total crap

I have realised that, in addition to its many other perks, this is a useful way to conserve energy.

Tom Cox nails it.

We’ve just had the world’s first year-long breach of key 1.5C warming limit.

What’s it going to take before people treat this seriously?

Looks like Apple has an image editing Generative AI coming. Quite Apple-y to be task specific.

Never change, Magazine Journalism MA students…

A bland date poster advertising a City Journalism student event…

Want to feel old? Somebody born when Leeroy Jenkins wiped his raid will turn 19 this year.

You’re welcome.

Finding the intro that finally makes the piece you’ve been struggling with work is such a blissful moment.

Let’s get phygital…

Apple’s Vision Pro is a tentative first step towards building a blended digital/physical world. But this is like the launch of the original Mac, not the iPhone.

Good morning from the Downs.

A lone sheep in a field up on the Sussex Downs.

Haircut achieved.

Adam Tinworth before a haircut. Adam Tinworth after a hair cut.

Today I will be:

  • a. marking
  • b. learning about DMARC
  • c. getting a hair cut

One big party, my life.

🔗 Return-to-office mandates don’t help companies make more money, study says:

Now, new research from the Katz Graduate School of Business at the University of Pittsburgh suggests that office mandates may not help companies’ financial performances, but they can make workers less satisfied with their jobs and work-life balance.

I will never understand the obsession with getting everyone back into the office. If you want them back, tempt them, don’t order them.

Finally, some harbingers of spring.

Daffodils at Hassocks Station

After nearly a month battling a respiratory virus, today is the first day I’ve woken up and genuinely felt like I was on the mend.

Feels good.