I love the fact Hamburg Airport has an art gallery, rather than all the normal overpriced nonsense you get in British airports.

Artworks on display in a gallery in Hamburg airport.

Remember all those sessions about how voice and smart speakers would be the future of journalism?

Not so much.

It’s nice seeing the number of serious video recording apps for iPhone proliferating.

The number of occasions when you need to bust out the “real” cameras is diminishing.

An interesting move from The Economist, adding a new subscription tier for podcasts.

We appear to have gone from the height of summer to autumn in four days.

An autumnal churchyard in London’s Farringdon.

📷 September Photoblogging Challenge Day 13: glowing.

A railway light glowing, on a September morning.

TIL that you can screenshot CarPlay.

CarPlay showing the end of my commute. &10;

My wallet is safe from Tim Cook this time.

Currently reading: Twelve Words for Moss by Elizabeth-Jane Burnett 📚

Breakfast of champions.

A small bottle of vodka on a pedestrian crossing sign in London.

Looks like it’s an “update all the Apple things” evening.

Important security updates out…

Listening to my boss’s inaugural lecture…

Professor Mel Bunce delivering her inaugural lecture.

I spent yesterday at a journalism innovation conference. If you want to know what the news publishers are thinking about at the moment, well, here you go.

These seem like a more plausible scenario as time goes on: The case for Musk driving Twitter to bankruptcy.

Ladies, gentlemen, and non-binary people, I present for you the 21st Century, where we microchip cheese.

Just realised that in just over two weeks I’ll be in Hamburg again for NEXT23. The schedule looks great this year.

I’m officially old. Badgers is 20 years old.

Mushroom. Mushroom. Snake.

Begone, miserable doom merchants! Traditional social media’s stumble could actually be good for journalism and audience work.


Currently reading: Rewilding the Sea by Charles Clover 📚

This will do.

Enjoying a coffee and a book in a woodland campsite.