Finally got my (consulting/training) work inbox down to double digits.
Plenty of people will be waking up to slightly (or, in some cases, very) tardy replies from me. But I’m getting there…
That’s one way of making a politician’s life suddenly more complex
From today’s eye opening story about a global disinformation team:
“Much of their strategy appeared to revolve around disrupting or sabotaging rival campaigns: the team even claimed to have sent a sex toy delivered via Amazon to the home of a politician, with the aim of giving his wife the false impression he was having an affair.”
This is one hell of a story: Revealed: the hacking and disinformation team meddling in elections
Free speech absolutism excludes China, it seems.
I enjoyed the conversation between @manton and @danielpunkass on Core Intuition about the shifting sands of the Twitter API.
I’m certainly one of the people who value Twitter cross-posting - but, equally, I wouldn’t quit if it goes away.
Started reading: A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush by Eric Newby 📚
Good to see that the Musk rat is experiencing the same as the rest of us: cratering Twitter engagement.
Less good that he’s randomly firing people who try to explain why.
I’ve just revamped the look of my Ghost blog One Man & His Blog, and am very happy with the results:

14 years ago, someone registered a domain name for the local church.
Nobody remembers who. Somebody is still paying for it. Tracking down the registering account will be fun.
Why do I say “yes” to these things?
This pen is a blast from the past. Early 2000s blogging, when Movable Type and Typepad seemed like they would dominate - a good time, but so long ago.

First time using my iPhone as a webcam for my training course this morning. It worked great. One of the best new features of macOS.

Google’s Bard is singing a whole new song. Could this be the start of a whole new age of search?
It really looks like it right now.
And, really, nothing is more political than the way we engage with the world around us. We have an obligation to see the world for what it is, the bad as well as the good, and we have to blinker ourselves to keep on pretending that it is not broken.
– From The Circling Sky by Neil Ansell 📚
The origin of the phrase “up sticks”:
”Instead they used Gypsy tents of the traditional style, a tarpaulin thrown over a platform of bent wooden rods. If moved on by the keepers, they could simply ‘up sticks’ in a matter of minutes, and disappear into the trees and on to their next encampment.”
— from The Circling Sky by Neil Ansell 📚
We’re coming back into the light. The sun was rising as we drove to the pool this morning, after months of doing this trip in the dark.
Spring’s a-coming.

I declared RSS bankruptcy last night, marked the 5,000+ articles which were unread in NetNewsWire as read, and revelled in the manageable flow of new posts.
Such a great decision.